Service Description

北區→南區任一家分店,需提前三週以上安排預約,並且最短時間為48H 以上,必須不影響其他預約,並且預付50%定金(不退還僅可延期,延期仍須配合車輛檔期)
平日: 租用10H(250KM)方案者可提前一天晚上21:00取車, 隔日21:00 還車
舉例:週一 21:00取車 週二21:00還車
打烊前半小時取車 > 隔天早上開店時間還車
price list

Reservation Notes
3.取車必須攜帶 機車/重型機車駕照與身分證 正本
4. 訂金收取:收取全額訂金後方可完成預約,請配合匯款至我們指定的帳戶。(訂金退還規則以我們訂定內容為主)
5 .外籍人士請攜帶居留證與護照,駕照或相等級別國際駕照 (國際駕照限旅遊簽證),且另外需要一位台籍聯絡保證人。
6. 未帶證件與未滿20歲承租人未攜帶監護人同意書視同臨時取消,您預約的車輛依舊會為您保留,在您預約的時段內隨時可以來取車。
7.取車與還車請於門市營業時間『10:00 – 22:00』之間,營業時間外無法還車及取車,超過下班時間,請於隔日早上取車或還車,將加收該級距夜跑方案費用。
1. 取車日期10天以上取消訂單,可退還全額訂金。
2. 取車日期前3-7天內取消,退還訂金50%。
3. 取車日期3天內取消,恕不退還訂金並且不可改期。
外國旅客須知 Information For Foreign Passengers
確認好您想要租用的日期、天數及時數,再參考輪胎城最新型錄,找到喜歡車款,發送訊息至想預約取車的分店Line或 email: service@motorrentaltown.com,提供取車日期、取車時間、租用時數,以及想租用的車款願望清單(建議3-5台)。
Please check your schedule for your trip, have a pick-up date, preferred hour plan(s), vehicle wish list (3-5 models recommended), and send this information to the shop where you would like to pick up the vehicle , eighter through our official Line or email: service@motorrentaltown.com
If your preferred vehicle is available for the chosen date and time, please provide the information below so we can help you double-check if your licenses and registrations allow you to rent in Taiwan.
1.您的姓名Full Name:
2.您的聯繫電話 Phone number:
3.您的居住地址 Residence Address:
4.您的緊急聯絡人Emergency Contact:
5.您的國際駕照 發照國International Driving Permit Issuing Country:
6.請提供您的國際駕照, A 欄必須有蓋章、護照的內頁照片,如果已經入境台灣,請提供簽證頁照片
Please provide photos of your International Driving Permit (IDP). The IDP must have a stamp on the "A" section. If you have already entered Taiwan, please provide a photo of the page in your passport that shows the visa stamp.
7.您的PayPal帳號 PayPal Account:
8.取車前 1-10 天內需取全額押金:
The full deposit must be collected between 10 days prior to the pick-up date:
Above 550cc : 2400 USD
247cc-549cc : 1600 USD
Under 246cc : 1000 USD
Without a ticket within one month after return, the deposit will be returned.
Please include lessee’s FULL NAME in the message section when making a payment.
The rental fee must be paid in full in advance, which will be collected within 10 days before picking up, along with a 5% handling fee.
收款為美金匯率 30TWD 兌換 1USD
We only accept USD payments, with an exchange rate of 30 NTD/ 1 USD.
舉例 ex .8000NTD/30x1.05=255USD (無條件進位,Round up)
Are you a diplomat, ambassador, or any diplomatic representative? If so, you are not allowed to rent any vehicles from us.
You will receive a confirmation message from us. Please check if the information in the message is correct.
Please complete the rental fee payment before pickup, and complete the vehicle deposit on or before the pickup day.
Procedure on your date of pick-up:
Please bring the required documents (Passport, IDP, Domestic driver license, etc.). We will make photocopies of your documents and return them.
Please make sure you have already paid the deposit for the vehicle. Our staff will confirm with the company as well.
Please double-check the information on the contract is correct and sign your FULL NAME in the highlighted blank spaces.
4.門市夥伴將提醒您務必避開國道,以免違規罰鍰: Google Maps導航如何避開國道(導航設定目的地後選汽車>右上角三個點進入選項選單>導航路徑選項>避開收費道路[不用避開高速公路,這個在台灣是指快速道路]。
Our staff will remind you not to go on tolled national highways to avoid fines. To avoid tolls on Google Maps, first find your destination and preview the navigation. Choose “Automobile” as the navigation route, then tap 3 dots in the upper right corner to access the option menu. Select “route option”, and turn on “ Avoid tolls”, theres no need need to select “Avoid highways”, since these are the expressways that big motorcycles can go onto.]
After all the document and payment procedures are done, our staff will guide you to the vehicle, give you a tutorial of the vehicle’s functions and operating tricks, and you are good to start your two-wheel journey in Taiwan!
Motorcycle Rental in Taiwan Reminder:
- Motorcycles and scooters have displacement over 250cc are considered as cars, but without the right to go on tolled national highways. You should park the vehicle in a car parking spot instead of a small scooters/motorcycles’ spot.
- Do not enter and wait in the small scooters/motorcycles waiting area at the lights (the rectangle located at the front of the stopping line. Do not ride on the small scooters/motorcycles’ lane.
- We will collect the full amount of rental fee deposit from 10 days prior to one day before the day of pick up, you must pay the full amount to secure the reservation, we recommend you pay the deposit as early as possible. A deposit for the vehicle reserved will be collected on the day of pick up, the amount for this deposit is listed on our website.
- If there is any change to your schedule, please inform us as soon as possible, for us to do our best to rearrange everything for you.
- If cancelling the trip is inevitable, according to our policy, cancelling within 3 days prior to the trip will receive 0% of your rent deposit, but we can help you rearrange it. If cancelling between 3 to 9 days prior, you will receive 50% of the rent deposit. If cancelling 10 days or more prior, you will receive 100% of your rent deposit.
- We have helmets for free borrowing, but we require customers to prepare a ski-mask or similar equipment to make sure there will be no hygiene issues. Our ski masks for sale are 200NTD each.
- When picking up the vehicle, please bring your passport, your visa for entering Taiwan or entry stamp page on your passport if visa is not required for your nationality, your International Driving Permit, and your driver license from your country.
- We will sign the contract when you are picking up the vehicle at our store. After the signing procedure, we will have a short demonstration for each vehicle before you start your trip, and for you to have time to take photos or videos of the vehicle before departure.
- Please take some time to be familiar with the traffic laws in Taiwan, to better avoid traffic fines and tickets, and unwanted events like injuries and accidents.
第一條:依據內政部機車租賃合約範本第九條,承租方應進善良管理人注意義務保管及維護本機車,禁止出賣,設質,抵 押讓與擔保,典當機車等行為。
第二條:依據內政部機車租賃合約範本第十條,機車發生擦撞或毁損,除有不能向警察機關報案之情形外,承租方應立即 報案並通知輪胎城重型機車後送合格修理廠修理。如因可歸咎於承租方之事由所發生之拖車費,修理費及第十 一條後段規定,機車維修期間租金應由承租方負責。
第三條:如因歸責乙方之事由致本機車毁損達無法修復程度者,承租方應照當時市價賠償 ; 如毁損但可修復者,依照損傷情況計價,車殼外觀如大面積損傷換新,金屬零件及會影響安全性零件變形毀損換新,如刮傷、擦傷則以烤漆修復計算,依照零件待料時間、近三個月內出租狀況、及受影響訂單數量,依照比例計算,最長以30日為限。 (例外狀況以店內合約為主)
第四條:行車速度不得超過規定,速度超過該路段速限 40公里以上,加重處罰 6000元 以上 24000元 以下罰款,並吊扣牌 照六個月,輪胎城重型機車可向承租方求償最多45日營業損失。